Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 35

We have officially met a crazy milestone this week! 35 weeks and 35 days to go until my due date! 
Or is it less?
Ultrasound is scheduled for Sunday.
Had my 35 week appointment on Thursday and I am still measuring big, so Dr. wants to order a growth scan to see just how big this itty bitty is! This whole time I have felt like she's bigger then she should be, and I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead still which would put me at 37 weeks today. And she'd be the size of a watermelon. Sounds about right.  We haven't seen her sweet face since our 20 week scan, so I can't tell you how excited we are to see her soon looking so much more like an actual baby vs the grainy alienish babe we saw on the screen almost 15 weeks ago! The clothes have been washed, our bags are packed and her nursery ready. Let's get through this weekend & next and then you are free to come any time little girl! Quite literally out of our minds excited!  

35 Weeks

In way exciting/crazy news my good friend Jen from work, who is due two weeks after me (july 11th)well..her water broke last night! Prayers for a healthy baby girl are appreciated! Can't wait to meet the little sweetie!

Watching Dad's game :)
In a few short weeks we're going to have a full blanket at those softball games! :)

Because everyone is on my pregnancy diet ;)

Drs office on thursday :)

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 25 lbs
Clothing: Two pairs of stretchy capri pants that don't cut into my belly (she's so low!) and VS shirts. Or next to nothing because I'm so unbelievably warm all the time.
Stretch marks? Still hanging in there!
Sleep: Waking up about 1 time/per night to go the bathroom
Best moment story this week: Monday night I came home from work and it was so ungodly hot in our house, we hadn't turned the air on yet and I had every window open and fan on full blast. Brandon came home to me belly up (ha.) in my undies and sports bra sprawled out across the bed. His eye's got extremely large and muttered I'll go turn on the he frantically ran through the house shutting the windows and cranking the ac. Yes. My belly is so large that I have scared Brandon into turning on our AC weeks before it normally would be turned on. Go me. Thanks itty bitty
Miss Anything? Margaritas, sleeping on my belly, normal movement in general.
Movement: I think I may give birth to a toddler
Symptoms: immobility and extra tightness at the top of my belly
Food cravings: Cherry Limeade, ice cream and cheeseburgers on the grill! yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Not yet! Getting close though!!
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: All of a sudden a hormonal explosion has happened to me. The littlest things set me off. I'm blaming it on the hormones and heat.
Looking forward to: The fabulous three day weekend ahead! & Seeing baby A on the big screen on Sunday!

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