Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm still Pregnant.

Well it's June 3rd. I have approximately 1 week and 3 days until my due date, and I'm tired. Like beyond tired. We were convinced that after three weeks of weddings and lots of intense busy-ness, come sunday night a.k.a. yesterday we would be on our way to the hospital. Instead here we sit on Monday exhausted beyond belief and still pregnant. Tell me how.....
After push mowing my entire yard on friday night, after work
(yes. it was that long.)
And shooting another wedding all day on Saturday...

And eating super spicy mexican food on Sunday...

Followed by walking all over Grand Haven....

And ice cream..

And several several squats.
Thank god Unfortunetly I have no pictures of that.


What I did get was an upset stomach, lot's of Braxton hicks and one sore body.
I had planned on working up until her birth day, however I see that decision changing in the very near future.
I'm a pretty impatient person, and this whole waiting game, not knowing when to expect her is pretty much driving me insane. I'm not nervous, just anxious and too excited to contain myself. It literally feels like December :)

The best find this weekend.
A Springer Spaniel plush for itty bitty.
The boys were SO excited.


  1. Ahhhhh! I keep waiting for an instagram pic to pop up showing you in a hospital bed all hooked up and ready....Bahahaha. I CANNOT WAIT to start working on her headband! Seriously, I'm so excited!

    1. Hopefully that picture comes sooner rather than later!!! AhhhH!!!!!!
