Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 16

This week was a sad one. My iphone was dropped one too many times thus completely shattering it requiring me to press on the jagged glass in order to see the screen. Needless to say our picture taking was minimal this week :( That's iphone picture taking, Big Mama camera was in full swing this week and Adelie tagged along to almost every shoot! We have been super busy in the photo dept since Michigan's leaves are changing and the color is spectacular! Seriously if you have never been to Michigan for the changing of the leaves, I urge you to add it to your
Bucket List. 
We had Liam with us two days this week and I'm still trying to get a handle on this whole pretend twins thing. Our VCR is still our favorite distraction, as we relive my childhood movies one by one.  I can hardly contain my giddyness as I introduce Liam and Adelie to all the Disney classics!  And let me tell you how many adult jokes and funny jabs you catch when you watch them now! 
Disney you sly sly man.
Adelie has started to accumulate rolls and the most kissable chubby cheeks :) Still barely any hair, her baby blue eyes are still Blue (hoping they start transitioning to green) Brandon and I both have green :) She is drooling like a fool which by the book means she's in the earliest stages of teething, but they can be teething for months before a tooth actually breaks through. She eats around 8oz a sitting. She doesn't have a particular time she eats,  I'm still relying on her cues to know when it's time to eat/sleep/be changed. And it's working perfectly. She currently wears 6m clothes and is about to transition into size 2 diapers. We recently pulled out a package of Huggies diapers. Not for us. Pampers all the way. Pampers do a much better job of masking the odors.
On Saturday I set off to shoot a wedding and then several other shoots that weekend leaving Ads behind with the hub. This was the first time Brandon had her alone over night/ for more than a day. The first picture I received from Brandon, she was wearing a different out then when I left. She knows just how to break daddy in. They survived the weekend together and I was o-so-happy to come home to her sweet face. Brandon's too ;)
Height 26"
Weight 15.2 lbs

At the ice cream parlor after one of my shoots :)

Since I've been so busy with pictures, I've tried to snuggle with her as much as possible during my down time. She's growing so fast :(
Saturday Morning before the wedding

A few video's of Ad's for your viewing pleasure :)


  1. Hi Jacee! How many bottles does Adelie eat each day? I'm making the transition from breast feeding to formula and I'm clueless on how much to give my daughter! Every online resource I've seen just gives a total amount of ounces per day. Since our girls are about the same age I figured I would ask you! Thanks.

    1. Hello!! I had to stop and actually think about it. Adelie kind if makes her own schedule, I read her cues when she is hungry/tired/needs changed. So it varies day to day, but she probably eats 5 bottles a day anywhere between 5-8oz each time. :)
