Saturday, January 3, 2015

Week 17

Writing this technically 18 weeks, but I wasn't lying when I said this pregnancy is flying! This past week I found out one of my friends is expecting again, which I am SO excited about and another found out she's having a little girl! Our due dates are only a week apart so I'm so excited that our girls will be so close in age!! 
We are slowly taking down the Christmas decor aka we took down the tree and thats it.  It's so hard to take down the pretty garlands! During Christmas season Adelie would go nuts over the lighted lawn reindeer so many people had in their yards, so I told her we would get one after Christmas and on sale-becuase they were around a hundred dollars before Christmas-eep! They were sold out at the Target by our house but we snagged one at another. The last one the display reindeer at 50% off. 
But here's the kicker-At the register instead of coming up 49.99 it rang up 29.99.
Happy Birthday to Adelie.
(my mom used to always say this when scoring an amazing bargain ;)
We also picked up Baby sister her first new outfit to wear during Christmas 2015!
Our New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful. I wasn't feeling so well during the day, but after 5 hours on the couch, some chicken noodle soup and cream soda, I was ready to bring in the New Year!
Adelie lasted though 3 New Years Eve parties around the neighborhood and even stayed awake to watch the ball drop.  Also making her presence known, little A was doing several flips, and I finally felt my first somersault on the outside! We've had an amazing 2014-A first Birthday, New House, New Car, Successful businesses and the news of a new baby! 
Feeling very humbled and blessed as we greet 2015 with great anticipation and love!
Happy New Years Everyone!

Note on the outfit:For the past week, Adelie has been finding it in my closet and putting it around her neck. I asked her what I should wear for New Years Eve and she brought me this ;)
I d i d n o t w e a r i t 

I never took a picture like this with Adelie and I regret it. I was very anxious with Adelie. Very cautious about every sign and symptom. This pregnancy feels very natural and peaceful so I decided I needed to document the morning I woke up and felt beautiful in my skin.  Pregnancy is beautiful and sooner or later we'll have completed our family and I'll have nothing but the pictures to remember what it was like to be pregnant.  I went back and forth about whether to post this photo, but I'm proud of it and needed to. I am growing a human inside me. Crazy. 
A living, kicking, full of life little girl and I am so proud of that.
Thank you god for choosing me to be her mommy.

 What we actually wore to New Years ;)

 Immediately following the Ball Drop, Adelie dropped.
Naptime in the teepee
Bathtime with my girls lately. Trying to figure out how to escape without a letter or number stuck someplace.
There is always at least two surprise ones I find while drying off ;)

Week: 17

Weight Gain: up 7lbs

Cravings: Cream soda, spicy foods, potatoes, pasta, apples, ice cream

Clothing: is there anything besides sweats?

Best Moment this week: Getting a Brand New sewing machine and going crazy with it! 

Miss Anything? Sense of Balance. A little front heavy- hard to lean forward without falling!

Movement? yup! Started quite frequently right at 14weeks-little kicks here and there and a few somersaults 

Anything making me sick or queasy? Cleaning up a dirty diaper that the dogs shredded. ick.

Mood: Finally feel energized and happy!

Looking forward to: A new business Venture that will be launching soon! Can't wait to share it with you :)

Gender? Girl

1 comment :

  1. Whoa. That's a lot of great things arriving at your door all at once! You should take this as both a good omen as well as a boost, to really branch off into new areas of prosperity and growth -- both of the financial, as well as the spiritual kind. A really great franchise going in should more than do the trick. Cheers!

    Clint Shaff @ Franchise Match
