Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 31

Who would have thought it would take a whole week to recuperate from vacation?? We spent almost all week lounging, catching up on naps and cleaning the house.
I completely understand now, why my mother would never leave our house messy before we left for vacation.
I have literally spent all week cleaning up the disaster zone.  Which has lead to some very productive cleaning/decorating in the bedroom.  We finally have bedding, (we've been sleeping with two separate comforters) and I've been busy decorating the walls.  Adelie chimes in her opinions when asked.  And when not asked.
Ads has officially been bumped up to size 4 diapers, and her 9m clothes are on the verge of being too small.  She is one tall girl!  
We have watched the movie Frozen at least a dozen times.<-So incredibly cute!
Adelie has started singing with me!If I start a song she chimes right in, never with the correct words and completely a touch out of tune but the cutest thing I've ever heard. :)
I had a very real dream mid week, that I was pregnant and gave birth to another little girl in the booth of a restaurant.<-I've had several dreams the next one will be a girl. No not hinting at anything ;)
On Wednesday our friends Jenny and Natalie came over for a play date. It was so fun watching the girls play together, now that they can both sit up!!
In food talk, this week we started offering Ads a mesh teether filled with Apple Cinnamon puffs. She wasn't so sure about them at first, but LOVES them now!!  You can tell she really loves crunching it with her fresh set of chompers. 

On tuesday we are making up her 6m apt, which was rescheduled due to snow and then our florida vaca. Which also means shots
 :( Disney movies all day :(


Aunt Jam turned 14 on January 24th!

Adelie Crashed Liams 6m photo shoot

And wrigley + Lewis crashed hers ;)

P.s. we have an extra fur baby this week, Dakota Beck :)

New Valentines headbands were listed in our Etsy store!

I will NEVER get tired of snuggling with her :)

In bedroom/craft news!
p.s. Craft vlogs are back in action this next week! Sorry for the delay/no motivation to due my hair/makeup/my hair dryer died. Wahh Wahh Wahh

I made two paintings for the walls
Then ran to get the mail and returned to...

Wrigley adding his own touches.

My lovely little piece I named "Luna" got a facelift and a new home!

Now that I have all the large pieces moved in, time to decorate the walls and add finishing touches!

I finally decided on a bedspread, a Sparkley grey set, since grey is totally masculine 

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 
We are currently snowed in, and watching oh-so-many VHS


1 comment :

  1. Love how the bedroom is coming along! I'm actually about to give ours a little update too! My studio loft is built above our master bedroom and I'm slowly getting my hoarder piles of Etsy shop stuff moved up there and properly put away, which gave me some motivation to freshen up our bedroom too :-) new rug, new curtains & some new stuff for the walls...can't wait to get it finished!
