Thursday, June 12, 2014

Aunt Jam's Graduation

On Monday we headed home for Jamison's (aka Aunt Jam) 8th grade graduation.  My baby sister is officially in the high school. She was born in 2000. That makes me feel so incredibly old. Adelie and I joined my family in the extremely hot and packed middle school gym for 2 hours while they handed out awards and certificates to the kids.  Adelie chimed in and cheered loudly close to the entire time, even during the silent parts.. ;) Great Aunt JoJo tried her bed to keep her quiet, but the girl just had too much to say! Great Granny brought her a new baby and she squealed and hugged it, patting its back and then decided to start throwing it at people. And her binky…the favorite game.  We were glad to escape as soon as it ended, making our way to the park for some pizza and cake with the family.  The perfect celebration for our sweet girl.

 It has been so fun watching Jamison grow up and I am so proud of her and all that she was forced to overcome.  Losing my mom was the hardest thing I've ever experienced (or ever will) at 21 years old. Jamison was 10.  My mom was her biggest fan and would have given anything to be there cheering her on in the stands, and you can bet she would have been the loudest! :)
We love you James!

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