Thursday, September 4, 2014

14 Months & House Updates

Life is slowly starting to return to normal and slow down! In the last month we've moved, went to Nebraska and Florida for Weddings, invested in new running shoes because Adelie has gotten a whole lot faster and managed to survive my busiest season for photography. Throw in B's golf season and I'm pretty sure none of us (besides Ms. Grilled Cheese herself) have eaten a hot meal all month!  We are finally unpacking and finding places for everything/redecorating because let's face it
new house=new decor
Sorry Wallet.
Hello Target
With Fall creeping in on us I am more than excited to bring some vibrant colors into our decor
especially our entry way!
Currently I have a few cabinets sitting in it that need to be moved to the basement
One of which contained my chalkboard paint for my new diy chalkboard

The other day, Adelie took it upon herself to paint the hallway/dressers with it

Miraculously she didn't touch anything white! Thank god!

The Studio is coming along, still waiting for quite a few goodies to arrive in the mail, but I am loving my new space!!

Adelie is loving the free range of pretties to play with ;)

I finally made it to Adelie's room painting it a little darker purple than her previous nursery :)

Speaking of 

She is now 14 months old and turning into quite the little toddler! She walks/runs/climbs on everything, but always with at least two babies tucked under her arms ;) The girl loves her babies!!  Her favorite foods are grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches, chicken alfredo, graham crackers, and goldfish.  She just recently started eating watermelon! (The first fruit she's liked!) She is a consistent two nap-naper, one at 9am and one at 2pm going down for bed about 7:30 and waking up about 7:30am :)  She talks all the time-very loudly. And is loving her new play area at the house!(Mom is too!) She goes absolutely nuts when daddy turns the Hot Dog song on in the morning.  She is currently wearing 18m and I am so excited to start dressing her in all the cute fall clothes that are peeking out from the back of her closet ;)

Once we get past this weekend
The Notre Dame vs Michigan game
we will be diving head first into some major decorating and rearranging our new home, cant wait to share pictures! :) 

Until then..

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