Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 3

I finally got my hands on a computer and therefore my posts can start being more frequent and in a timely manner! Babes is officially 3 weeks old, which is almost a whole month old! Crazy talk. We could see a HUGE change in her this week. All of a sudden she is going through a growth spurt, eating all the time, and awake so much more. This whole being awake more business is quite comical. She makes the best faces and has some of the most interesting squeaky-noises I've ever heard! She also does one mean mean-mug. I cannot possibly pinpoint where she gets it from she gets it from me. This week she met two very handsome boys, Jaxson her second cousin and Liam her first cousin! Brandon was in Colorado for almost the whole week for a wedding, so I packed up Adelie, the boys and ALL of their gear and we visited a ton of people and spent the night at both grandparents houses. It was nice to visit everyone but we were so happy once Brandon got home and we had our family back.  He could not believe how much she had changed in just a few days. People are definitely not joking when they say "they grow up so fast". 
Ads please stay itty bitty forever.
3 weeks old

She's quite the drama queen ;)

Baby blue's. We're hoping they'll turn green, like ours :)

Attempting to hitch a ride with daddy to Colorado 

Visiting with Fraunt Megan

And papa Ron
And my mom's good friend Carol
And Aunt Jam
On the drive up to Belmont
to visit  Grandma Beck
And Papa Beck
Getting a bath in Grandmas sink

Cousin Jaxson 
Cousin Liam
(Look at all that hair!!!)

3 days apart
3 weeks and 1 day apart

Age: 3 weeks
Weight: 10lbs
Height: 22 inches
Eating: She is eating about every 3 hours. 100% BF
Baby's Sleep: Sleeping great! Waking up two times to feed at night.
Mom's Sleep: Sleeping okay, although I feel like I never achieve the deepest sleep because I'm always listening for her. Might try her in her own crib this week? or not...
Dad's Sleep:
Milestones Reached: She shows a TON of emotion and is really starting to chatter. She turns her head towards me when I talk and she laughed out loud twice this week.
Outings: Traveled to Union City, Belmont and Kalamazoo, it's a good thing she's a super easy baby because mom does not know how to slow down, we are on the go all the time!
Nicknames: Ad's, Babes, Miss Ad's,  tootsie, sweetie
Other notes: So far she is a super easy baby, she eats on demand, hardly ever cries and is pretty content just looking around and being near me.  I feel 100% back to normal  (sure hope my next pregnancies go like this :S) and am completely loving this new love in my life.


  1. She is seriously gorgeous. She looks like a little doll in that polka dot dress with the white flower headband :-) The pic in the car is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love when dogs love babies! And her birth announcement.....there are no words. no words! <3
