Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meet & Greet

Yesterday we had a meet and greet for all of our family and friends who had not yet met/wanted more snuggle time with baby Adelie and baby Jaxson. Put on by my aunts and cousins, it was such a fun time! Cute Cute decorations, great food and the BEST company! It's crazy how even though life takes us down separate roads sometimes, we can meet up again and pick up, like we had never been apart.  The one missing piece that would have made yesterday perfect was my mother. We miss her so and she was brought up several times, bringing both tears and laughs :*) My aunts remind me so much of her.  The babies were an obvious hit and Brittney and I watched as they floated around the room from arm to arm.  We ate, we visited,  & we opened tons of presents.  These babies are SO blessed to have such a loving gathering of family and friends!
Thank you everyone!!!
The Babes & Jax

Awesome Decor Linds!

Great Aunt Debbie

Aunt Jam and cousin Jax

Our one perfect game, of "guess how many pieces of candy?"

Hot Potato Baby

Great Grandma Carol

Matching by chance

Yes. That is an orange Slug. It's a Brubaker thing.

Great Aunt Jo Jo



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