Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vacation-Packing for a baby

We fly out to Florida in 1 day.  As you've previously read, I am slightly overwhelmed at the whole concept of flying with baby and all her gear.  After reading a few articles online about what to bring and how to do it, I've composed a list of necessities to make our trip as hassle free as possible :)
Now each airline is different, but since we're flying Delta and Allegiant Air ,
(because they have HELLO great prices to Florida) 
we are allowed to 
Bring on Board with us:
1.Diaper Bag
2.Baby food/bottles
3.Check her stroller at the gate
4.Check Carseat/Base at the gate
5.A carry on for each of us
6.A personal item (Laptop/camera)

Adelie gets to sit on my lap during the flight since she is under 2 at no additional charge. 
(insert heel kick)

We are Checking:
One Suite case, attempting to fill will all of our clothes/bath products

Now I, like most girls have a tendency to overpack.  I'm trying really hard to only pack the essentials, since we'll be at the beach a majority of the time, but the task proves harder then I imagined.

As for Adelie. We will be gone a total of 9 days. These are the essentials that I have come up with besides her wardrobe small stack of clothes.

Baby sunblock
Teething tablets<-just in case
Baby tylenol<-just in case
Baby wash/lotion (We love California Baby wash and J&J lotion;)
Baby Powder
A stack of bibs/a few baby spoons
Plastic bags(for soiled clothes/bibs if we are out and about)
Extra Binkies
Diaper rash cream (our fav is aquaphor)

This is what we have to work with. We absolutely love our City Mini and its designed for light weight travel.  Our Chicco carseat and base will sort of be a hassle, but we can check it at the gate and it snaps into the stroller to transport to and from the airplane. Her Diaper Bag is going to hold her toys, essentials and some ready made bottles for the trip.  We have a few carriers, but the Infantino is probably our favorite and we'll use it to transport her in the airport.

I've been reading up on how to make our take off go as smoothly as possible.  Since she cannot swallow on command, in order to protect her poor ears, they suggest either letting her suck on her binky or feed her a bottle.  I think we will attempt to feed her a bottle during take off, since you all know she tends to "oink" with her binky rather then suck on it ;)

The Line up

All hand selected by this cutie ;)

Wish us luck!
We are SO excited!

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