Friday, January 3, 2014

Week 28

Happy first Friday of the New Year!  This week I feel like Adelie has grown leaps and bounds! She can now officially sit up like a BIG GIRL!! :) She does occasionally tip over, but its usually because she leans forward for a toy, which means the next step is crawling! AHHHHH! She also can now stand  holding our hands! Up until now she has refused to stand, always curling her legs up under her like a frog.  I think its because she was so tucked up inside of me towards the end ;) Her hand eye coordination has also improved drastically. She's reaching for and grasping onto everything!
Like Lewis's lips.
Yesterday she really grabbed ahold of his upper lip, (Because he always lays right next to her).  He started whimpering and I had to pry her hand off. We're going to really start to watch her, so she doesn't beat up her brothers ;)
On Wednesday as we were sitting on the couch, Brandon was holding babes and I was repeating mamamamamamamamamamama trying to claim her 2nd word for myself, when she got frustrated with how Brandon was holding her and she shrieked out "MOM".  B & I whipped our heads and stared at each other. He said I couldn't count it because it was involuntary and she had no idea she said it. Ya, ok..
I used to think New Years resolutions were a huge waste of time because everyone always breaks them come Jan 2nd February, but I did see a movement amongst other bloggers this year, and we are hopping on the word train.  This year we have chosen the word
This is something Brandon and I both struggle with on the daily. We need things done nowrightthissecond.  All good things come to those who wait.  This year we will work on having more patience with each other and life in general.  Taking time to smell the roses and enjoy the small things.
Adelie has decided she will also work on her patience during Meal time.
We will make 2014 count by learning to love all that happens in our lives. The good, the bad and the ugly.  If we are patient with what god has given us, perhaps we will find the silver lining on even the most difficult days.  So CHEERS to 2014 and all the happiness it will bring :)


I've started to pile all her babies on one side of her during naptime, to stop the little gymnast from rolling over!

Someone is VERY excited for Florida!!

P.S. we've started sharing accessories ;)


  1. These pictures are hads down, my favorite to date! Her little face is so precious! That dress is the cutest thing ever too...Sadie wore the same one for Christmas and I'm just in love with how simple + pretty it is!

    1. I think they're mine too Jess! :) P.S. I wore one of Adelie's Leather headbands today when I ran to the grocery store ;) Got two compliments on it!

  2. what a cutie pie!!

    -meg check it out!

  3. Love your blog and your sweet girl!!! So excited to follow along!! Ps - we have that same dress and love it!! And we share accessories, too. :)

    1. Thank ya Ashley! I wonder how long they'll let us share accessories? ;)

  4. Love the pictures how cute! Can't wait until my baby is big enough to wear dresses like this.. I just found your blog, can't wait to follow

    1. Aw thanks mama! Don't wish time away, it goes so fast! :(
