Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week 8

Here we go! Round two!! 

One thing is for certain, this pregnancy is definitely different than mine with Adelie.  I didn't have a whole lot of symptoms with her but now I am an emotional wreck, craving random foods like crazy and feeling nauseous. Not the throwupeveryfiveminutes morning sickness that poor Princess Kate has, but definitely sick like feeling, strongest at night.
I have been emotional since day 1 of finding out-but it got kicked to a whole new level last week when I sobbed like a baby during the final dance scene in Dirty Dancing. I lost it. Couldn't even control the tears. And then there was the ugly cry while trying to read Adelie a bedtime story-granted it was
 I'll love you forever which will bring anyone to tears but man alive was mommy a hot mess.
Now usually people don't announce their pregnancies until after the first trimester and after the first doctors apt.  We waited to announce with Adelie but I read an article a few weeks ago by Jill Duggar and it really turned my perspective on the subject.  Every baby is wanted. Every baby is a gift from God, and we will celebrate every baby even if for some painful reason they have to leave this life too early.  I think more people should look at pregnancy that way and choose to share the good news and not be scared of the what ifs-a baby is SUCH exciting news!
And once again, I clearly wanted to shout it from the rooftops when that little stick confirmed our suspicions :)  We cannot wait to bring another baby into this world!
This time around, Brandon promised me he would take a weekly picture of me for
So I wouldn't have to resort to mirror pictures and self timer iphone photos -sigh.
I also am going to be using my new chalkboard, starting off with week 8!
Not sucking in nor pushing out.  The chicken dinner may or may not be a contributing factor.

Week: 8

Weight Gain: up 2lbs

Cravings: Carmel anything, ranch, cheesecake, (eggnog-2 gallons worth, now I'm tired of it)  milk

Clothing: Just stocked up on comfy Maternity clothes at Old Navy! Lot's of leggings and long shirts :)

Best Moment this week: Finally having one day off from everything and spending it with Adelie shopping :)

Miss Anything? I'll be missing the trick or drink games this weekend with the rest of the neighborhood adults :(

Movement? not yet

Anything making me sick or queasy? Any food that has a bright color-thats not supposed to. Like the Bright yellow jalapeno bagel that sounded good but made me sick just looking at it.  Getting queasy in the middle of the night.

Mood: Emotional and exhausted

Looking forward to: Taking Adelie around trick or treating on friday! Even though it's supposed to snow :( Snow-on Halloween?!??!?!

Worst part of the week: Fixing myself a milkshake only to find out we are out of milk. That was very depressing 

Dreams? I was having triplets, and was so upset.  Brandon and I were at the hospital trying to figure out which one to give up for adoption lol oy vey.

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