Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 48

Playing a little catch up this week as my busy season for photography is underway and we are still coming down off our cloud nine of a three day weekend ;)  Adelie is now letting go of things and standing.  Still only taking a few steps towards me, but only if I really call her. We have staked out her new outdoor play area and are SO excited to put everything together for her party!
During the week I played a repetitive game of catch the babies as they both move so fast now and usually in opposite directions.  So fun, but holy exhausting!
 Adelie and I ran out pretty much every night when we got home, to snap a few photos in our new headbands  :)  I have been constructing these overthetop headbands and Adelie is like always, my perfect model-Plus we are loovvvinnggg this summer weather!!
On friday we headed south for a wedding and a series of shoots, Ads got some much needed Aunt Jam time and loving from her GG Carol :)  Since my vehicle was completely stuffed to the brim with photo props, Adelie's gear and mine, we did not pack her pack and play.  Up until now we have gotten away with her just sleeping in the bed with me when we visit my dad.  She could still sleep with me, even though she does five million somersaults and I usually wake up with bruises all over my body, but the whole "bedtime" has become an issue.  Since she could easily fall right off the bed, she stayed up with us the whole weekend until we went to bed. Around 10:30pm. #naughtymomstatus Since we partied late aka watched home videos, Adelie has been catching up on sleep the last few days ;)
Fun things she's also doing. Waking up looking for and saying "dada" both in a high pitch voice and in a raspy gremlin one.  Actually, she does this all day long.  Pulling everything off of any table she can find.  Playing king kong so great, that she pulls all the baby gates right out from the walls.  Opens all cabinets but prefers the dog dishes.  She is also an official grass and wood chip taster.  Want her opinion on your lawn? She's taking bookings currently.  Every day she wakes up looking more and more like a toddler and less like a baby :( She's such a curious and silly little lady and oh my gosh so fun! Looking forward to some super fun first Birthday Pictures for her invites this weekend! :)

Out for a drive smelling Grandma Barbie's Lilacs :)

Grandma Barbie-In one of the home videos we watched :*)

And Mama got a new camera!

Great Uncle Johnny and Ads at an open house

And Uncle Jory

Hanging out with friends Iris & Hazel after pictures :)

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures this week, as I was taking pictures of everyone else!

If you want to check out pictures from the sessions this weekend, check out my photography page, located at the top of the blog! :)

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