Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 45

Come Monday, I still wasn't feeling up to par so Erin stayed home from work & Adelie, myself and the boys came over and hung out in sweats all day.  We had quite the house full but safety in numbers, right? Brandon's connecting flight was cancelled in Chicago, so they were forced to rent a car and drive home.
Finally over our sickies on wednesday, we prepared for our big weekend of travel! This past weekend I headed to Florida, Brandon to Colorado and Adelie (&the boys) to her Grandma and Papa Beck's for four days.  It was the big weekend of bachelor/bachelorette parties (for the wedding we're all in, come August).  Being separated by states from both of my loves was a bit nerve wrecking, but we all survived and the reunion on Sunday night was bittersweet.
Adelie had tons of fun with her G+P Beck and like always, they loved having her there :) She got to attend a baby shower on Saturday with Grandma and enjoyed mimicking faces at Papa.  She came home looking twice her age, cooing like a pigeon and shaking her head NO. Who taught her that?! ha! Little girl is working on two more teefers, chewing on her binky backwards and battling the constant runny nose.  She looks more and more like her daddy everyday, and B swears her hair looked more red last night.  I think it was the lighting ;)
She has started giving kisses. Large open mouth, slobbery kisses. My favorite. ;)  She has also started taking naps again, whew! It still may be only one, but it will be one solid nap :)
Of course I picked her up some cute souvenirs from FL, including a one of a kind airbrushed tshirt with her name on it. Because, like her mama, she will never find a keychain with her name on it.  She is getting more and more stable standing, only needing to hold onto something with one hand. I can tell walking is in the very near future….eeek! As much as we would like to deny it, her first birthday is right around the corner.  Party planning is in full swing and a few things have already arrived in the mail :)  We will be having a cookout with family and friends in our backyard with all of Adelie's favorite things. Do you think they'll let me bring ponies into our subdivision? ;)
 It has been a busy busy week and we are looking forward to a more quiet week leading into my first 
Mothers Day with a baby on the outside :) 

Who is this toddler and where is my baby?!

 We visited B at work on Thursday and she looovveeddd crawling around meeting all the new people!
tiny drunk humans
Modeling her new favorite shirt :)

A few highlights from
Bethany's Bachelorette Party

We stayed at a Condo on the beach in Treasure Island.  Although it thunder stormed on Friday and rained most of Saturday we had so much fun and cannot wait for August! Our weekend was full of shopping, karaoke-ing, dolphin swimming and mean girling.  My flight didn't leave until late Sunday so I was able to catch a few rays before heading for home.
A few rays=I look like a lobster.

My flight got delayed 45m on the way down due to fog and 40m on the way back due to a burnt grilled cheese that set off the fire alarm in the airport.

Justyna, Beth, Myself, Kiley

Rain rain go away
Shopping at St. Johns Pass

Fresh Paint on our toes!


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