Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 44

We survived this past week, but just barely.  Monday was spent relaxing from our busy weekend of travel, Tuesday was our monthly baby playdate (which will have its own post) and Wednesday was spent recovering from the playdate.  Thursday was when everything went downhill at a rate of 95mph. I had fed the babies (L& A) an assortment of finger foods for lunch and then tucked them into bed for their afternoon nap.  Around 3, Adelie woke up crying after throwing up in the pack and play.  Fast forward two more hours, three changes in outfits for her, me and one for Erin, she had finally stopped throwing up and we decided to brave the car ride home, with her in Liam's clothes.  We made it home and the poor girl went right to bed.  We chalked up her sudden illness to eating so many different foods for lunch.  
Friday she was still not 100% herself and we spent the day snuggling on the couch, with her taking roughly seven naps.  We came home once again and went straight to bed, anticipating the early morning wake up to take Brandon to the airport.  That's correct.  Brandon, my brother in law and my inlaws headed to Florida for a corporate meeting for four days.  Perfect timing right? After dropping off B at the airport, I dropped Ads with Erin and headed south for a quick photoshoot.  With everyone feeling better us girls took the babies to a little Mexican joint in town, toasting our girls weekend over a margarita and good eats.  After a quick walk to the park, Adelie and I headed home stopping at Home Depot to grab some mulch.  With her in bed, I quickly mulched the front yard and then…it happened
I have never been so sick in my entire life.
Thank goodness Adelie never woke up because I have no idea how I could have cared for her.
I have a whole new respect for single moms.
By the next morning I was still camped out on the landing beside my bathroom and feeling like I may be dying.  Then I got a text from Heaven. Erin asking if she could come pick up Adelie and watch her while I died got better.  I took 4 baths that day, and contemplated sleeping in the bathtub.  Still was ridiculously sick by Sunday night, so Adelie had her first sleepover with Aunt Erin and Liam.  Monday morning I felt much better, so I loaded the dogs up and we headed to Erin's house where the 9 of us hung out all day in our sweats. (2 adults+2 babies+5 dogs=full house).  The past few days were packed with snuggles and comfy pjs and it was exactly what we all needed.  Looking forward to seeing B tonight, being able to eat food again and a good nights sleep.  Wash your hands frequently friends, I pray you don't get whatever we had! :(

Our sickly week in sad pictures

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