Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 41

What a busy little bee Adelie has become! uP Down Up dOWn left right center right up DoWn.  Did I shower this week today? What day is it? Week 41 was pure chaos.  By Tuesday, I had checked out for the weekend only to be reminded by Erin (my sil) that it was not friday and she did indeed need me to watch Liam the next day ;) Ads chord obsession keeps me on my toes 24/7, no matter how good I think I've hid them, so is still consistently finding them.  I'm not sure if I'm more exhausted from the never ending game of hid and seek, or completely impressed by her mad seeking skills.  She's been using her strikingly cute looks and beyond cute smirks to ignore my "No"s whenever she gets near the TV, pushing every button and turning every knob visible.
New favorites include the register and the screen on the fireplace.  Really anything she can strum with her little fingers and make funny sounds.  In combination with her new word "Dada" she is quite the little composer.  Two more teeth popped through on friday, coincidentally the same time her nose started running like a faucet and her poor little eyes started watering.  Still unsure if she was so miserable from the teething or from a cold, perhaps a combination of both?  On Saturday, after reaching out to a few other mamas, I went with Baby Vicks on her feet, chest and back, a continuously running humidifier and these cold tablets, made by Hylands (makers of the glorious teething tablets).  That combination seemed to be doing the trick, so we dropped her off at the grandparents just before bedtime  and headed to a birthday dinner downtown with friends.  By Sunday, I was coming down with something and she was still holding onto her own, so we took a long warm bath, bundled up in our pjs and watched B do yard work out the window ;)
Wearing some of Liams pjs ;)

Howdy Wilson!

On Wednesday It Rained :)
(Not snowed!)

O how I hate seeing those wet eyelashes :(

On Friday on top of teething and a possible cold, Adelie once again became her alter ego nonapadelie (which now autocorrects on my phone. ha). However, she went down for what normally would be a mini nap around 4:30(she would usually wake up by 6) and did not wake up until 7 the next morning! Holy Moly! I tried to wake her around 9 to feed her dinner (yes, she slept through it) but she had absolutely no desire to

Some of Adelie's first Birthday attire/props have started to roll in.
So So So cute! Cannot believe how close it is :(

She needs to stay this little forever

In photography news, I wrapped up the last of the Easter Minis this weekend. This one was so adorable, I just had to share ;)
You can check out the rest of my work on Facebook HERE
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