Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The little things

One of my favorite Blogger mama friends Jess from Sadie Sky Boutique has teamed up with Ashley from Words about Waverly to start a new string of blog posts about the Little things in life we may overlook in our busy lives. The goal is to blog once a week about life's little moments as a reminder to stop running through life like it's a race.  There are some pretty spectacular moments that happen every day that simply get overlooked.  I have been meaning to link up for the longest time now, but like you all know, life is crazy busy and add a now mobile cutie into the mix, there isn't a whole lot of time to sit and think.  So these days we do our thinking on the run ;)  This post might be slightly sappy, but sorrynotsorry, I can't help myself. It's been a stressful week.
This morning I watched her. Not watch her dart after chords, not watch her repeatedly pull the display candles off the coffee table, but really watch her.
 Adelie is currently roaming the carpet (she's getting extremely good at it!), stopping every 30 seconds to find my gaze and give me a big toothy smile. That little baby madonna gap melts my hearts.   Her little round eyes are starting to turn from her baby blues to mommy&daddy green. She is smart and extremely vocal, shrieking every time she spots a new toy.  Last night "Dad" entered into her vocabulary, so she is practicing it extra loud today.  She woke up this morning with her first rumpus and I have not yet, nor have any intention on watering it down.  My mom photographed many of my wild rumpuses and I will be doing the same for Adelie.  This morning she has gotten a little bit wild, letting go of whatever she's holding onto, just for a brief moment.  Part of me is rooting for her to keep finding new things and continuing to grow, the other half holds onto the unrealistic expectation that my little cuddler will stay a baby-in-arms forever.  I love everything about her, and if I could hold her all day I would.  Thank you god for entrusting us with this little girl, she makes even the darkest days full of light. xo

Sadie Sky Boutique


  1. So glad you linked up with us! Savor every second of her truly does go by way to fast! I may or may not have had myself a complete bawl-fest when Sadie turned one last year....and now here we are with birthday #2 right around the corner!

    1. It seems like just yesterday I was anxiously checking your blog to see if she had made her grand entrance! She is the sweetest little baldie I know :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean about really watching! It's so incredibly fulfilling. And your Adelie is absolutely beautiful!

  3. I totally get this! I mean you watch he all the time, but those times when you sit back and really just WATCH her every move you learn so much about her. Sydney will be five this year and I still feel that way.

    1. Everyday they get older. We know this, but why does it have to be so?? :(
