Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 27

So something big happened this week.
The name I was set on is no longer her name.
In Florida, B said her name and it just sounded off.  Since then we have been talking about different options and as of wednesday, her name is now set in stone.
I have personalized outfits & I have ordered her quilt with her name on it.
It's still an A name, so she is still little A :)

I knew this was going to happen eventually, but I can feel the energy leaving my body.  I'm starting to coast on what energy I do have and am struggling to finish all of the half done projects sitting around my house. I'm chalking it up to carrying an extra 40lbs around on a daily basis.  Between these two girls-that is a lot of extra weight my back is supporting, especially because I carry so super out front.  
That has got to be the one downfall I've had this pregnancy. Because this time, I'm not only toting around this ginormous belly but also a growing chickadee named Adelie ;)

It is FINALLY feeling like springtime here in Michigan!! This post has actually been wrote since Friday but we've been a little sidetracked getting muddy playing outside in the sunshine!! Adelie is obsessed with the play climber she received last year for her Birthday (from papa ron) and is even going down the slide by herself! This is BIG news because as of last month she was terrified.
We went to Catch Air again, this time with Liam WOW and Aunt Erin. Mama was definitely slower this time around and that might have been my last excursion there until after this babe is born ;)
The end of week 27 has started to feel very much like week 37
81-ish days to go!
(I've changed my mind and feel like this one might come early)

I also cannot find the energy to write on a chalkboard anymore, please forgive me little A!

One more sleep in her half/crib before her big girl bed is officially assembled!!

throw back to last year!

Next year, we'll be able to stuff little sister in there!

Big Sister is ready to hand over her crib!!

Week: 27

Weight Gain: up 18lbs

Cravings: Spicy anything, cold beverages, yogurt granola and fruit

Clothing: Maxi skirts and sweats

Best Moment this week: Finishing Adelie's bed! All thats left is a mattress!

Miss Anything? Energy-its starting to be non existent 

Movement? I feel her all the time, taking up every inch in there!

Anything making me sick or queasy? Nope

Mood: Getting a little stressed out with all the projects I have to do yet

Looking forward to: A play date with my expanding family on tuesday!!!

Gender? Girl

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