Monday, January 28, 2013
Is it my Birthday Yet?
This countdown is killing torturing me. I feel like up until right now, this pregnancy has moved pretty fast and has been pretty uneventful. I never got sick, the only pregnancy symptom I experienced was being uber tired. (Like sleepings a bad thing?) So far, I'm labeling this experience as a piece of cake. A piece of ooey gooey chocolate cake with sliced strawberries on top.... Besides not being able to indulge in the occasional margarita, I have no complaints. So at this point in time I am bored. I refuse to paint the walls white or buy gender neutral, and lets face it you only have one option, yellow ducks, and I already have one yellow duck outfit. It's now time to transition into more colorful options! I have 11 days as of today until I get to indulge in painting, decorating and filling BB's closet. So I thought I'd share with you some of the tidbits I've had my eye on........ He or She, I have been waiting for this day for my e n t i r e life. Is it my birthday yet?
Friday, January 25, 2013
Week 18
This week my not-so-little sister (She turned 13 yesterday!) came to stay with us :) On
Saturday she lent me her opinion and scanning techniques as we started the overwhelming task of registering. Now I have done a tremendous amount of research on which items are a must have for BB, below are a few of my favs! I was suprised at how much I was able to pick out without knowing if BB was a he or a she. We spent approx.
18 weeks |
1. The Snugabunny Bouncer. I love bunnies, and was so excited when they made this line :)
2.The Blooming Bath. Quite literally the cutest makeshift bathtub EVER. It fits in every sink!
3.Medela Pump in Style Advanced. Since I plan on breastfeeding, and still shooting weddings and events, it is vital I can pump where ever and whenever, and it comes with a cute tote :)
4.Guess How Much I Love You. I want BB to have an awesome library. All of the classics.
5. Chicco Infant Carseat in Romantic. Definetly want to stick with the grey/black theme, loved this and loved its safety rating!
6. The City Mini Jogger. I had my heart set on this the moment we laid eyes on it! Handles awesome, fits my carseat and can fold up with the pull of one handle. Seriously, in love.
7. Grass countertop drying rack. Dries bottles, nipples, has plenty of attachments to add more space and its green. Will fit PERFECTLY on my counter!
How far along? 18 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Bought two new longer sweatshirt/Sweaters with Jamison this week from "the maternity section" ;)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6 every morning, and I have two beady eyed springers staring at me :)
Best moment this week: Having Jamison come stay the weekend, miss having her around!
Miss Anything? Margaritas with my Mexican food. No Bueno.
Maternity clothes? Bought two new longer sweatshirt/Sweaters with Jamison this week from "the maternity section" ;)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6 every morning, and I have two beady eyed springers staring at me :)
Best moment this week: Having Jamison come stay the weekend, miss having her around!
Miss Anything? Margaritas with my Mexican food. No Bueno.
Movement: Baby moves and kicks periodically throughout the day, more so in the evening and early morning. Hopefully this is not an insight on things to come..
Food cravings: Taco Bell, Strawberries, Chili, ice cream, Mountain Dew.
Anything making you queasy or sick: While making a salad at lunch yesterday, the lady put out freshly diced egg. BLEH.
Have you started to show yet: The bump is taking a different shape suddenly. I'm not as big in front, and was told it is because my uterus is now stretching vertically rather then horizontal. I was also told to enjoy it now, because by the time week 26 week gets here, I will have filled out all the "new" space, in addition to the old. :S
Gender: Girl 80% Boy 20%
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? still hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but oddly cranky today
Looking forward to: Pulling together our Reveal Party, I have been working on this for a while, and cannot wait to show you all pictures of the amazing weekend-to-come :)
Worst part of the week: Driving to the middle of nowhere to pick up a DIY changing table off craigslist that ended up needing way more help then anticipated. On the snowiest of days, on terrible roads.
Dream: I had a dream that one of my favorite Bloggers was a catfish. Her blog wasn't real, and some lady had stolen pictures of someone else and blogged posing as Jessica. Sad Sad dream :(
DREAM: Last night I had the dream I was Prince Williams first cousin and was at their wedding giving Kate advice on how to wear her hair. We were like BFFs. And her dress was gold, with flame like pattern cutouts. Ahh to dream..... :)
Food cravings: Taco Bell, Strawberries, Chili, ice cream, Mountain Dew.
Anything making you queasy or sick: While making a salad at lunch yesterday, the lady put out freshly diced egg. BLEH.
Have you started to show yet: The bump is taking a different shape suddenly. I'm not as big in front, and was told it is because my uterus is now stretching vertically rather then horizontal. I was also told to enjoy it now, because by the time week 26 week gets here, I will have filled out all the "new" space, in addition to the old. :S
Gender: Girl 80% Boy 20%
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? still hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but oddly cranky today
Looking forward to: Pulling together our Reveal Party, I have been working on this for a while, and cannot wait to show you all pictures of the amazing weekend-to-come :)
Worst part of the week: Driving to the middle of nowhere to pick up a DIY changing table off craigslist that ended up needing way more help then anticipated. On the snowiest of days, on terrible roads.
Dream: I had a dream that one of my favorite Bloggers was a catfish. Her blog wasn't real, and some lady had stolen pictures of someone else and blogged posing as Jessica. Sad Sad dream :(
DREAM: Last night I had the dream I was Prince Williams first cousin and was at their wedding giving Kate advice on how to wear her hair. We were like BFFs. And her dress was gold, with flame like pattern cutouts. Ahh to dream..... :)
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Week 17
This week was all about coming out of our coma getting back on track after vacation. And by getting back on track, I mean in bed by 9 every night, falling asleep to Law and Order. (Our new fav oldie but goodie) Per a fellow mom to be, I plugged my information into a due date calulator. These were the results: I will have a baby girl on June 22nd at 3:35pm 8lbs 12oz. This scenerio is very appealing...(yes I know it probably won't happen this way but #girlcandream ;) On a different note, I've started to look around at various baby stores, to get a better handle on this whole registering idea. I've come to the conclusion that I have no freaking idea about the neccessities. Sure, I can pick out the big ticket items but when it comes to monitors, thermometors and baby meds, I'm clueless. This is why I've decided to enlist some of my favorite mothers when determining/shopping for which items are essential in bringing up BB :) Brandon enthusiastically agreed when he realized I wouldn't be requiring him to stand in a baby store for countless hours deciding things like, "which carseat has the higher safety rating" and "how many white onesies do we really need?" BTW He's getting pretty excited:) When talking the other night about whether BB is going to be a boy or girl, (he would so very much love a boy) says he thinks girl. Time will tell, the countdown is at 21 days people :)
How far along? 17 Weeks
17 weeks |
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Haven't really changed out of my sweatpants all week, still getting back used to this cold weather :(
Maternity clothes? Haven't really changed out of my sweatpants all week, still getting back used to this cold weather :(
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Starting to wake up a few hours earlier every morning, wide awake :(
Best moment this week: Counting on m calendar and realizing how incedibly close our anatomy scan is :) 21 days today!
Miss Anything?
Food cravings: Papa Johns, chocolate shakes, potatoes, salad, Sour Skittles followed by volcano nachos from TB. Not a good idea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Watched TLC's "birthday" the whole epidural kneedle up my back thing...ya....sent my mind into a frenzy
Have you started to show yet: I can no longer bend over andshave by my ankles touch my toes :S
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Almost a pancake!
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing little BB on the screen and finally getting to say he or she, instead of baby or it
Sleep: Starting to wake up a few hours earlier every morning, wide awake :(
Best moment this week: Counting on m calendar and realizing how incedibly close our anatomy scan is :) 21 days today!
Miss Anything?
Food cravings: Papa Johns, chocolate shakes, potatoes, salad, Sour Skittles followed by volcano nachos from TB. Not a good idea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Watched TLC's "birthday" the whole epidural kneedle up my back thing...ya....sent my mind into a frenzy
Have you started to show yet: I can no longer bend over and
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Almost a pancake!
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing little BB on the screen and finally getting to say he or she, instead of baby or it
Worst part of the week: Having to sneak food. Husband is on a juicing diet, and is making me feel super guilty for eating my delicious smelling food anywhere near him lol
Dream: I had a dream Wednesday night I was in a gladiator arena where people were fighting each other with meat tenderizer mallets. The kill spot was the knees. Such a weird. weird. dream.
Dream: I had a dream Wednesday night I was in a gladiator arena where people were fighting each other with meat tenderizer mallets. The kill spot was the knees. Such a weird. weird. dream.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Week 16
This Week is brought to you from sunny Florida!! It has been glorious all week, sunny and mid 80's :) Started off the vaca in Treasure Island, then to Miami for the depressing disappointing game and finally over to Bradenton for the remainder of the time :) With all of the numerous things I loved on vaca, I've narrowed it down to my top three highlights. 1. Disney World without a stroller or small child. While I honestly cannot wait until BB is old enough to take, I am so SO glad we got to experience it one more time without a screaming child.. 2. All the lizards. I could sit and watch them all day, AND it gave me somthing I could use my baby voice on. (ex. Hessaaa cuteee leetellll lizzaaarddd). 3. FOOD. Getting to eat out all the time, not feel bad about it, and still put on a bathing suit. (because in case you didn't know, it is perfectly acceptable to be chubby in a bathing suit whilst pregnant).<---#truestory. #itsallbaby. Ok I lied. Not about the bathing suit, but I forgot to mention THEBESTTHINGOFALL. I can now feel BB moving and kicking all around in my belly :) The most surreal experience I've ever had thus far in my life! On the flip side, I cannot express how much it tickles! We are soo close to finding out who BB is, only 3 posts away!
16 weeks! |
The Mr :) |
My new fave snack |
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Back to 1 lb above prepregnancy weight :S I dont know how that is possible.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping fantastic :)
Sleep: Sleeping fantastic :)
Best moment this week: I was sitting in the pool in sunny florida, splashing water on my belly, when BAM. Big baby kick at the top of my stomach! Can't wait to be playing in the pool with BB :)
Miss Anything? Tailgating was certainly not the same without a spicy bloody mary or margarita in my hand :(
Movement: Feeling BB on and off now :) Actually woke up out of a dead sleep becase he/she was having a dance party in my lower abdomen.
Food cravings: Taco Bell, Sour skittles, cheese, lemon icees, Mexican, ice cream. Basically If I see it, and it looks good. I need it. Like yesterday.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Port-a-potties at the game. needisaymore.
Have you started to show yet: Full on baby belly :)
Gender: Girl But had a dream this week I had twins boy and girl :S
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat :s
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat :s
Wedding rings on or off? On, although I had to take it off in Miami, the heat made my fingers swell sooo bad!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our anatomy scan in less then a month!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our anatomy scan in less then a month!
Worst part of the week: Definitly being the only pregnant, sober person tailgating.
BONUS: Since everyone was more consumed with alcohol, more food for me!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Week 15
This week many-a-big things happened, and many firsts :) 1. Being the only pregnant girl at a NYE party. We started off by ringing in the New Year in downtown Grand Rapids at the Amway Grand (Large upscale hotel) where I danced swayed from side to side on the dance floor all night. It took two Mountain Dews and a snack full on dinner halfway into the night to keep me going, but I made it. Heels, drunk people, and way too loud of music. But I did get my kiss at midnight from my baby-daddy ;) 2. Got my first non-alcohol induced migraine ever. bleh. 3. Forgot my wedding ring at home, and it just happened to be the day every patient in my office noticed I was pregnant. 4. Found out that I am one of 4 pregnant people in my family! I am due June 28th, my cousin Brittney on July 4, my sister-in-law Erin on July 16th and then my cousin Kristen on August 13th. HOLY BABIES. And last but not least, I'm leaving today on a jet plane for sunny FLOrida until next Sunday. Soo.. next fridays post will be a very sunny one! ;)
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3lbs down 2 this week (I think baby knew I needed to look good in a bathing suit ;)
Maternity clothes? Leggings and bright colored shirts, and dressessss :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great, but worrying how I will sleep in Florida without my body pillow :*( wahh
Best moment this week: Today, knowing I board a plane in a few hours :)
Miss Anything? Will surely be missing the ability to drink at the tailgate monday as we prepare for NOTRE DAMES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. <--I would have one ESTATIC husband
Movement: I thought I felt somthing on wednesday, when I was laying in bed. But nothing since!
Food cravings: I had anintense mind blowing craving for papa johns on wednesday afternoon, so I drove clear across town to pick up my large pepperoni pizza and proceeded to eat it in the parking lot. #noshame
Anything making you queasy or sick: Accidentally opening up someones colonoscopy report at work, images included. bleh.
Have you started to show yet: Most definetly
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but holy cow its close.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Strolling through Disney in a few days, and eating everything in site!! mwahhaha
Worst part of the week: Not having my wedding ring on and having to hide my hand, or move it real fast to avoid the judgemental eyes of my patients. I felt like I had a red A on my shirt. I'd never felt like such a teen mom.
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3lbs down 2 this week (I think baby knew I needed to look good in a bathing suit ;)
Maternity clothes? Leggings and bright colored shirts, and dressessss :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great, but worrying how I will sleep in Florida without my body pillow :*( wahh
Best moment this week: Today, knowing I board a plane in a few hours :)
Miss Anything? Will surely be missing the ability to drink at the tailgate monday as we prepare for NOTRE DAMES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. <--I would have one ESTATIC husband
Movement: I thought I felt somthing on wednesday, when I was laying in bed. But nothing since!
Food cravings: I had an
Anything making you queasy or sick: Accidentally opening up someones colonoscopy report at work, images included. bleh.
Have you started to show yet: Most definetly
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but holy cow its close.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Strolling through Disney in a few days, and eating everything in site!! mwahhaha
Worst part of the week: Not having my wedding ring on and having to hide my hand, or move it real fast to avoid the judgemental eyes of my patients. I felt like I had a red A on my shirt. I'd never felt like such a teen mom.
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