Sunday, June 30, 2013

Adelie's Birth Story

On June 22nd 2013 at 7:20pm we welcomed
  Adelie Jo Harper Beck
into this world weighing in at 
9lbs 21 1/2 inches long
I've tried writing this a few times, but each time ended up stopping, erasing it and starting over. It's extremely hard to put into words just how amazingly-world stoppingly-breath takingly-surreal it is to bring another human being into this world.  We had 9 months to prepare ourselves for how our lives would be forever changed, and in just a moment all of those thoughts turned into a crazy reality.
saturday morning, the on call Dr. came in my hospital room and checked me, declaring I was 3cm and 100% effaced, giving me the option to have my water broken. I of course said yes. We waited until the next on call Dr. came on at 8am for them to break it. Dr. Hubbard broke my water around 8:15. Both her and my nurse were absolutely amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better team.  Around 11am I was checked for progress and since I was a first time mom, labor was going to take a long time. Since not much progress had been made, along came the dreaded P word. I told them I did not want to start pitocin until I knew that the anesthesiologist was just around the corner ready to give me my epidural. Once I got a time line for him to be there, I gave the go ahead to start it. I was on pitocin for about 30min (long enough) when a cheerful anesthesiologist strolled on into my room and 1...2..3 my epidural was administered before I could bat my eyes. No pain and so incredibly fast.
The rest on the day was pretty uneventful. We watched as my contractions leaped off the monitor, without me feeling a thing! We could not believe how ridiculously easy it all was! Around 3pm we discovered that itty bitty was sunny side up, meaning she was facing my back. With 30min spent laying on each side with one leg in the air followed by sitting straight up Indian style, she was back to her normal position. Naughty girl ;)  Around 5pm the nurse came in and decided to check me just to see where I was (they predicted I wouldn't actually give birth until around 10 at night, so they hadn't been to concerned with checking) Well wouldn't ya know, I was at a 10.  Just a few minutes later I was told to get ready because we were going to start pushing. This would be when I kicked the entire family/friends out of the room and was left with just me, Brandon, my aunt Jolynn and our nursing staff.
The pushing was such a blur. I didn't feel a darn thing. They told me when I was having a contraction, and they told me when to push. Since I couldn't feel anything, I took their word when they said "good good just like that, keep pushing!" I pushed for just under 2 hours.  Halfway through, I heard the door open and looked to my left to the the corner of my dads shirt peeking out from behind the curtain! I yelled "Dad get out, I'm pushing!" his response was "I'm behind the curtain!" I told him to get out regardless, and shut the door. ;) I think he was wondering what was taking so long.
When she started to appear there was a ton of excitement at the foot of my bed. So much, that Brandon ventured his way down and I remember just staring at his face.  He was grinning ear to ear in absolute amazement. That was enough motivation to push with everything I had, when I heard the Dr. say stop pushing. So I did, I laid there for about thirty seconds while she was moving something around. The room was incredibly silent, even my coaches were speechless. And then, completely unexpected she raised Adelie up for me to see. She was incredibly long and shrieking at the top of her lungs! The most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on! She got passed to the nurse who immediately plopped her onto my chest. I was sobbing hysterically. By far
the happiest moment of my life.
Jolynn was bawling beside me and Brandon was beaming. He cut the cord, and she was ours. Not just a baby growing in my belly, or a dream that we often talked about. She was perfect. Beautiful and ours.
Our Daughter.
We have a Daughter.

Thank you so much for all the well wishes!
We have been settling into our new parental roles this past week
and could not be happier :)
I will be sticking to my weekly blog updates, documenting milestones and life's little moments
complete with an insane amount of pictures ;)
Love to all!

B.J & A

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