Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 37.....or 39!

I'm stillllll pregnant. Now that I am offically done with all of my weddings and have made it past all dates I was trying to avoid, it is offically baby time.  This week my goal has been to getthisbabyout get this labor ball rolling! Red raspberry leaf tea, extensive walking (to the point I now have shin splints) exercise ball bouncing, stair climbing and other unnamley activities.....and nothing.  I won't say nothinggg..because I have been getting sporadic contractions, and actually Tuesday night I had some pretty intense ones that were happening about every 4min for an hour and then....they stopped. What a tease.  Brandon's been on edge too...this waiting game is for the birds. It seem's like everyone is walking on eggshells waiting for the phone to ring with THEE CALL. Every time I call someone these days, instead of Hello. I get, "IS IT BABY TIME!?!?!" #rubitinwhydontcha. It also doesn't help that I answer the question, "You're still here? When is that baby due?!" at least 60 times at work daily, becuase I see different patients daily. The respose is always the same...Maybe tonight!
39 weeks

Some cute new neon sleepers that I scored on clearance! :)

On Wednesday I got the most amazing suprise in my mailbox! It was a large envelope filled with cards containing gift cards from all of my mother's friends :)
Literally brought me to tears.
With them I was able to go yesterday and pick up the last few things we needed before we bring Adelie home!
Thursday night, I practiced my stroller pushing skills in my livingroom, while the dogs ran circles around me barking.

Vibrating Corn teether from Aunt Jam

7 Day countdown!

Every spare second is spent walking.....

Or Bouncing....

Drs apt today at 1pm
Cross your fingers for great news!
(like labor tonight ;)
How far along? 37 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 25 lbs
Clothing: Stretchy anything & tennis shoes
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: I've woke up a few times this week from random contractions, but sleeping okay
Best moment this week: Feeling that large weight of getting through my weddings finally leave my shoulders! I cannot tell you how relieved I was to make it through all of them!
Miss Anything? Margaritas, crossing my legs, my old body, my brain
Movement:I can tell that she's moving farther down, I currently have a foot in my right rib, an arm pushing on my left lower belly and a small bottom sticking out to the left of my belly button (all of those are from my perspective looking down) I actually was able to measure her foot yesterday!
Symptoms: Baby brain, some contractions exhaustion shin splints
Food cravings: Kiddy Cocktails, milk, chocolate milk, mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Random contractions
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting slightly grouchy, I'm a very impatient person and I'm getting very impatient.
Looking forward to: Standing up and having my water break ;) ;) And also dinner tonight for my motherinlaws Birthday (which was yesterday!)

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