Thursday, October 31, 2013

week 19

Crappy  Happy Halloween from our family to yours! I hate to be such a debbie downer but it hasn't been the best first Holiday for baby A and I may or may not be super bummed about it. Poor baby. This week she really started cutting teeth and to top it off had to get shots on Halloween. This has made for one super sad crabby babes babysaurusrex And one very tired crabby momma Dino Wrangler.  We have been extremely fortunate up until this point to have a very happy baby who hardly ever cries. She actually never cries, it's more of a whine, for which she can stop on a dime at any second. The girl doesn't even shed tears.  There have only been two occasions I have seen a tear. 
Once during her 4 month pictures. It was so cold her little eyes started to tear up.
And once today. From pain. Three shots exactly.
Broke my heart.
I think of how sad I was, but what about those poor nurses who have to play the bad shot guy all day to the sweet unsuspecting babies. I would never want to be the bad shot guy.
At the drs we were given the go ahead to start introducing baby foods to her! Come again?
How on Earth are we already on baby foods? I was sad for a few seconds, but the colorful isle of baby food at the supermarket quickly turned my sadness into excitement.  It didn't take long to fill our cart with a rainbow of choices. We went with carrots as the first official "food".
Festively Orange.
In other Big Girl news, I officially witnessed Ads roll from her back to her tummy AND I got it on film. *Cue the whyinmybabygrowingsofast hormonal breakdown.
Currently she is taking around 2-3 naps a day for anywhere from 1h to 2.5hrs at a time. We have been sticking to our guns sort of with the whole sleeping in her crib thing.  She looses her binky 2-3 times at night and starts whining. I can usually make it to her crib before she is fully awake. So much easier when she was allowed to sleep in her swing. Daddy says not anymore.
Mama says, except when she's teething ;)

We made a MAJOR Craigslist haul and scored these VHS for $1 ;)

16.1 lbs
26.5" long

Our mini 4m shoot in the front yard :)

And a few videos :)

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