Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why I Snap

The reason I Snap. Well honestly there are several reasons, but the main one is my mom. You don't know how long you'll have on this earth, or any of your loved ones for that matter, and sometimes pictures are all you're left with.  For as long as I can remember, my mom toted around a camera or cam corder wherever we went.  80's perm, a diesel fueled camera, and a video recorder the size of a small bus. The woman was a dedicated snapper. I never really appreciated all her snapping until much later in life when I could find a picture, a photographic memory of just about any and everything we experienced in our lives. Every vacation, first day of school, sporting event, family get together, she was there snapping away :) And now that's all we have. Albums and Albums of pictures and rolls and rolls of footage. 
No mom.

So snapping has become a large part of who I am, documenting my life through the lens of my camera, iPhone and video recorder just as my mom did before me.  My snapping has been escalated to a whole new level once I had Adelie.  I've been told just how fast these little ones grow up, and so from the first moment those two pink lines appeared, my snapping increased immensely. Capturing every little change, facial expression, accomplishment and sweet moment because I knew I could never have those moments again and tomorrow she would be bigger and older. I have been ragged on for snapping so much and receive my fair share of eyes rolling when I whip out my camera. **cough** Brandon ;) My Facebook and Instagram are overflowing with pictures of Adelie and our life, I still print off pictures and my house is covered in frames and canvases. My SD cards are almost always completely filled and I don't remember the last time I had free space on my phone. 
I snap for a living.
I snap for the memories.
I snap for her.
So that long after I'm gone, there is a photo trail of who we were, places we traveled, friends we met and how we
  loved each other
so very very much.

So I encourage all of you to take as many pictures as you can.
You're lives are worth documenting.
Snap Away

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