Saturday, March 8, 2014

Week 37

Adelie has changed so much in the past two weeks it's crazy! Im pretty sure those days where she went without naps was due to some sort of growth spurt because all of a sudden she has all sorts of new tricks, is saying more "words" and won't sit still.  My little model has transformed into a pampers cruiser model ;)  All the new excitement has really encouraged her to be even more vocal, shrieking at everything…a baby, her dad, her brothers, complete strangers at the mall ;)
This week she has started saying "GAGA" and no I'm pretty sure its from listening to poker face every morning on our commute code word for doggy. Poor B. She'll say dada soon enough, we've been practicing :)  She also almost pulled herself up yesterday! We were at Liams and she was sitting in the middle of the floor playing with toys. I turned my head for 30 seconds, as I was feeding Liam and homegirl was at the coffee table pulling herself up! I cannot believe she is getting so big.
She also had her 5th tooth pop through this week, with her 6th right behind it.  She now has her bottom two top two and almost both canines :)  And o boy she lovvveesss crunching her puffs with them!  Now that she understands picking up food and putting it in her mouth, I'm going to start giving her fresh fruits and veggies chopped up this next week. I'm dreading the mess. 
I have hauled up the pack and play to our main area and filled it with her toys. Im not sure what she's more excited about, the scratchy mesh siding or her own personal fort.
In shopping news, we are in desperate need to hit up the mall for some 12-18m clothing! Overnight, the 9m clothes that were sorta working, are definitely not working anymore. I know, I know, twist my arm ;) 
Happy Saturday Everyone!

Breakfast at Liams

To Document her totally not sitting still for more than 3 seconds

People watching at the mall, waiting for Dr. Apple to open

And practicing her cheers!

A long week of chasing a baby and wishing time would stop =


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