Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 21

This week baby girl is the size of a large banana Burrito. <--We're eating Mexican tonight for our romantic Valentines dinner :) Nothing sounds more appealing than squishing into a small booth, at a holeinthewall restaurant, mowing down piles of spicy mexican food and sipping on a virgin margarita.....I found out that my friend at work (who's 2 weeks behind me) is having a girl, and my eldest cousin is having a little boy! :) So excited for all the babies this summer!

21 Weeks
  The nursery is offically in construction mode! It has been cleared out and will be painted this Saturday, carpet to be laid shortly after. My eyes cannot take the blue and yellow tile a.n.y.m.o.r.e.  I finally found thee perfect dresser that will double as a changing table, in a small consignment shop (Which will also be painted this weekend) Brandon says "slow down, we have a while to go and do not need to have everything done right now." Four months. That's it. Ignoring the fact that 1.  I have been waiting to decorate this room myentirelife 2. I'm too excited to wait and 3. My painting projects take lotso time....I have an unbelieveably packed schedule the next four monthes. Almost every weekend is either booked with photography (My last wedding is June 1) or a shower (for me..a cousin..a friend...a sisterinlaw...) you get the picture... Bottom line, Is that this baby is going to be here be here before we know it! So if you need to find me this weekend, I'll be in the nursery with a hard hat and a painting mask listening to pandora;)

Whoa Baby

V-Tines dinner bump

Part of Brandon's V-tines present :)


How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 6  lbs.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Back to having insomnia. Baby Girl, up at 3am every morning is not the schedule we wanted to get started on.
Best moment this week: Seeing the nursery cleared out and a blank canvas. Cannot wait to start painting :)
Miss Anything? Non-virgin margaritas...
Movement: O ya. At 10.5 inches from head to toe shes def. taking up more space in there :)
Food cravings: 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? still hanging in there. but its stretching..
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: So Happy:)
Looking forward to: Painting all of my treasures for the nursery ;)
Worst part of the week: I Borrowed our friend Jeffs truck to haul home the dresser I bought, and then getting stuck at the base of the cul da sac because there was soo much ice...blahh
First: Our waitress at dinner noticed I was pregnant while I was sitting down, and then she asked if it was a girl and if it was our first....Brandon smile was so big when he answered her :)

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