Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 19

This week has crept by. The most interesting part was our insanly hormonal weather. One minute it's cold and snowing, the next it's an April Shower. IN JANUARY. I think all of this weather has helped keep me distracted from the amazing thing which is happening in 7 days, which I'm really going to say 6 because my scan is at 9am in the morning, so Friday really doesn't count. I had a slight meltdown on Tuesday night. Brandon was been eating super healthy and hitting the gym like no other. When I hugged him the other day I became so aware of just how pregnant I am and just how in shape he was getting. Blah. So I headed to the grocery store and bought everything I could find that would make me feel better and then went home and made me a feast. Spaghetti, chocolate cake, strawberry margaritas, frosting, ice cream, cheese dip, garlic bread.........that's strictly all going to the baby, of course. ;) 

19 weeks

1. EOS Chapstick-I have one of these in every coat pocket, keeps my lips soft and they have cute colors and design.
2. I live in the Victorias Secret Pink Tee shirts. They're soft, stretchy and come in every color.
3.Since we have been getting quite a TON of snow here in Michigan it is vital to have warm boots to keep my tootsies nice and toasty, and there is nothing more comfortable then Uggs.
4. My body pillow. Even though it takes up half 3/4 of our bed, it has quickly become my best friend. (And I don't see it disappearing anytime soon..
5.Black leggings are essential. They ride just below the belly and can be worn after baby as well, so you're not buying a ton of jeans/pants 2-3- sizes bigger that you'll never wear again (hopefully)
6.Virgin Strawberry margaritas. After a stressful day, my brain is so fried I don't even realize there isn't alcohol in it.
8.Consider cutting up, or freezing your CC's in a huge block of ice for most of your pregnancy. Your husband will thank you.
9.Too tired to move at night, Brandon and I watch at least three prerecorded L&O SVU's every. single. night.
10. You will constantly compare your baby to the size of a fruit or vegetable, and get upset when your husband doesn't like grocery shopping in the fresh produce section with you anymore...


How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 5 lbs.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great, this past week I have woke up every morning to the dogs jumping into our bed and Brandon expressing how much he "loves my three boys!"#wishfulthinking ;)

Best moment this week: Hanging up the sweet little outfits, on the little hangers in the nursery, as we start to clear it out in preporation for my mad decoration skills!
Miss Anything? Hugging normally :( This belly is getting in the way of my hourly daily hug from Brandon ;)
Movement: The first part of the week I didn't feel a whole lot, but I think BB was saving it up for the second half. Hard Kicks sporatically let me know all is a.o.k. in Baby world.
Food cravings: Mountain Dew, Margaritas (Virgin Strawberry!), Chocolate Cake, Papa Johns, Spaghetti
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: I think I should stop answering this question, as I don't think its going to ever say no....
Gender: Girl 89% Boy 11%
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It pops out when I cough :/
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I can def sense when my hormones are on overdrive
Looking forward to: Isn't it obvious? FEB 8TH!
Worst part of the week: Folding the 500 trillion piles of laundry I have been putting off.....
Funny: On Wednesday as we were getting into bed, I took out my bun (which I had put up right after my shower that morning) so my hair was still damp. He snuggles in behind me and then asks very puzzled "Why is your hair wet? Did you take a shower?" when I explained no, it was still wet from this morning. He got very concerned and informed me. and I quote "You probably have mold in there!" Boys Boys Boys...........

A little piece of heaven

1 comment :

  1. New follower! Catching up on the blog & your preggo belly makes me miss mine!
