Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 8

Adelie went on her first looonnnnggggg car ride this week. The car ride was torture alright, and she slept most of the way until we had about two hours left to go. That's when we hit construction, she was tired of being in her carseat and O ya, she had a massive meltdown.  Totally worth it to see her uncle Jory graduate from Lineman School in Trenton Georgia!  On wednesday AM we piled my granny, aunt Jo, Aunt Jam, Adelie and myself into my car and followed my dad and gma Carol severalhundred miles south and turned around friday AM and made the trek home. We are exhausted to say the least.  Since we wanted to make as few stops as possible I opted to feed Ads formula. We have been supplementing when I am out shooting or on the go. Great idea in theory, not so much in reality. The specific formula we choose, sensitive on the tummy yada yada. It really hurt her tummy. Adelie is the most non fussy baby there is and the poor little munchkin was extremely sad. I could tell she was in pain and her quivering lip broke my heart :( However, once we switched back to straight breast feeding she was right back to her normal happy self! Knowing that I was going to have to supplement due to my busy schedule we tried a new formula on Saturday night when Babes stayed overnight for the first time so B & I could enjoy a night out to celebrate our 3 year anniversary :) It was tough.  We talked about her countless times and contemplated picking her up several times but I made it until 8:30am the next morning.  It was fun to have some grown up time, but I realized two things.
1. I am now a very VERY cheap date.
2. Being at home with Adelie is SO much more fun than any bar scene.
Tuesday Ads friend Natalie came over to play!!

If you have never tried Kale chips, you must! They are like a healthy potato chip! And for a fraction of the cost!
First stay at a hotel! Chattanooga TN

On tuesday I had a Midmomcrisis. 
I didn't think I would miss my belly button being pierced, but I was wrong. So Adelie in tow I marched into this little joint called the Screaming Needle<--yikes and some guy with a few an ungodly amount of tattoos and piercings shoved a needle through my bb.

Happy 3 year Anniversary Honey

Definitely did a #pumpanddump the morning after our date night. Contemplated giving it to the dogs so it wouldn't go to waste. But I didn't. Don't worry. ;)

Age:  8 weeks
Weight: 12lbs
Height: 22 inches
Eating: She is eating about every 3 hours. 90% BF 10% formula when at home. When we're on the road it's about 50/50
Baby's Sleep: Sleeping great! If she wakes up I usually just give her, her binky and she drifts back asleep.
Mom's Sleep: Still Sleeping great
Milestones Reached: She turns her head and follows me, immediately stops crying when she comes to her momma. Almost rolled over from her back to her belly and I didn't have my camera so i pushed her back to her back. She never tried again.... #waytogomom
Nicknames: Ad's, Babes, Miss Ad's,  tootsie, sweetie, sweetie sugar tootsie sugar sweetie bottoms

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