Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 9

Baby A is officially 2 months old.  Life with her is SO much better then I ever imagined! She continues to be an incredibly laid back gowiththeflow baby, and we are still thanking our lucky stars ;)  This week she started blowing bubbles and majorly kicking her feet! I'm extremely lucky she's okay with our on-the-go type lifestyle because this last week, that is exactly what we did! We literally were all over the city picking up my treasure pieces aka cute cute furniture to feed my never ending desire for creating pretty things :)  I REALLY hope she enjoys doing these things with me as she gets older..In the midst of all our furniture findings, we also came across something I have been searching for 
f o r e v e r .
A cotton hammock to hang in our cluster of trees beside our house! Found one on Craigslist brandnewinbox $25. I may have shrieked when they said it was still available for purchase :)
So now, we have this sweet little set up, complete with hanging mason jars with candles in them for a relaxing late night swing, and obviously a cuddle with the cutie ;)
 We also went to the pool for a few days, basking up as much late summer sun as we could get I could get. Baby girl slept in the shade :) This next week is going to be so sad, as on thursday we go for her shots. <--idk if I can handle it, dad may have to take her. Poor Babes, guess we'll have to stop and get ice cream on the way home ;) ;)

Happy 2 month Birthday Adelie!

On Thursday we hoped in the car and drove to the Beach to celebrate my mothers Birthday, she would have been 48! :*) Adelie and I sat in the sand, watched lake Michigan's tide roll in and I told her stories of her grandma.  It was a perfectly warm day and the beach we went to was pretty deserted so we go right down to it and took her merbaby 2 month pictures. My mom would have LOVED to be a part of that, and In a way, she was. The purple shawl Ads is laying on was my mothers prayer shawl when she was going through treatment, its usually on Adelie's chair in the nursery, but I thought we'd take it along for our little trip :)

Sandy baby toes :)

In case you were wondering, yes we tried to let the dogs up with us. No it did not work. :( ha.

We usually meet up with daddy after golf at the pool :)

Picking out colors

To paint the new pieces

A few of the latest pieces we did :)

What the bed looks like when Brandon leaves in the morning....

Height & Weight: 12lbs 22 1/2''
Milestones: Blows bubbles, kicks feet like crazy, turns head and follows mommy
Feeding: 80%BF 20%Supplement every 3 hrs give or take. She likes to dilly dally when eating and only eat an ounce and a half, get distracted them get hungry and finish the rest a half hour later. wonder where she gets this distracting from... not me its definitely from me. Eating about 4oz at a time.
Sleeping: Sleeps through the night, usually 11-7 then takes naps around 10, 1 and 4

1 comment :

  1. That first picture of her at the beach in her mermaid outfit is too frickin cute! You have such an adorable baby!
