Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Baby Update!

On last Thursday I met with my Dr. who did all her usual measurements on me and decided that because I was still measuring ahead, she wanted to send me for a growth scan ultrasound to see if I had extra fluid or if baby A was just measuring extra big. The US was scheduled for the following Tuesday, but since I'm extra impatient these days...I rescheduled it for Sunday. I managed to make it through my second wedding on Saturday (one to go!) and before I knew it, it was Sunday and Brandon and I were on the way to the hospital :) It turns out we have one big baby! Everything looked great on the scan, baby is head way down and we even got to watch her practice breathing :) Once the ultrasound tech had all her measurements she left the room to go plug in all the numbers and speak with the Dr. We already knew she was big becuase I was watching the measurements on the screen, and her head alone was measuring 38w 4d. Whoa baby. But when the US tech came back we were stunned (looked like she was too) when she said, "Well... your measuring much closer to your original due date, she's roughly 7lbs 8oz right now, measuring around 38weeks" I looked over at Brandon and his expression was very much like my own. ha. Looks like we are having a baby. Very soon! Very soon, as in like any day. omg.
We're about to be a family of three!
Saturday before the Wedding :)

Brandon's quick snapshot of me being fidgety on the table
Being told your baby is actually the size of a small toddler will make anyone fidgety.
We got a few pictures this trip but they weren't very good because A. She's too far down and B. She's a little smushed ;)
One looking up..err... Down at her sweet little face :)

My friend Jen (whose water broke last Thursday and whose been on hospital bed rest since) delivered a healthy baby girl this morning! Baby Natalie Rose Wood weighed in at 4lbs 10oz 17 3/4inches long at 6 weeks early! Mom and baby are doing great! Cannot WAIT to meet her! Seeing her sweet pictures makes me That much more excited to meet out little babe :)


  1. Eeeeek! You. Are. So. Close! Are you crazy nervous? I was but once labor started (39 weeks and 4 days for me) I wasn't really nervous or anxious. A calmness just came over me the whole time and I just went with the flow. To everyone's surprise, I ended up needing a c-section but even that didn't make me nervous. You'll do great no matter what happens!

    1. EEEK I know! So incredibly close! Suprisingly not nervous though! I think maybe once I'm there I will be? Cross your fingers for me that it's fast and semi painless! ;) I plan on getting an epidural so hopefully all goes as planned!! :)

  2. Thats so exciting! you are SO close!! :) She is going to be a beauty, just like her mom! Good luck with things the next couple weeks!

    1. Thanks Michelle! So unbelievebly excited to meet her!! :)
