Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 33

Hello Baby! I feel you all day every day so you must be getting cramped in there! This reason

among others is what makes me think you will be here way sooner than your June 28th due date.  You get hiccups almost on the daily which from the books I read, means you are quite actively practicing your breathing! Practice away my dear because as soon as you are ready to come, you have one momma and daddy who are SO excited to meet you! and give us a legitimate reason to play with all your toys.  This week we were able to cross one of our to do's off the list as you now have a mattress in your crib (and sheets)! The crib skirt is finally done, which means I will be able to finally post pictures of the nursery! :) Speaking of nursery, it's getting a little cramped. Who knew babies needed so much stuff?!? I really shouldn't say need more like Why are there so many cool baby items that I like and could potentially make parenting easier?  With all of this amazing weather we've been having I figured it is probably about time I plant flowers and landscape. Brandon made me stop several times to go in, sit down and drink my water. Note to self: stop trying to do everything rightthissecond because it causes major braxton hicks and gives your husband anxiety...
33 weeks

Just a few pups on the front porch, and a very talented Lewis ;)

Trying out itty bitty's new K'tan with glow worm

Party in the new play pen! So glad I was able to track this down, they were discontinuing this model and I scored the last one out of Kalamazoo! Whoohooo!

One of my favorite patients brought in this super cute outfit for Baby A! I'm to the point where my patients are taking bets on whether I'll have had her before they return for their next apt ;)

Because we couldn't wait any longer... we  tried out a few of her toys ;)
And I am so mad I was unable to snap a picture of Brandon last night parading around wearing the new baby carrier fastened to his back.
Literally died laughing.

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 25 lbs
Clothing: recently..  maxi dresses, literally they are the only thing that can fit over my belly
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: If I don't toss and turn so much during the night itty bitty stays away from my bladder and let's me sleep through the night. If I do it's 100 a few trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night
Best moment this week: Probably devouring the virgin margarita at dinner the other day, it was like heaven in my mouth :)
Miss Anything? Shorts. shirts that fit. Contemplating cutting large holes in my shirts so they can lay normal :S
Movement: Lot's of movement where her legs are, She's streching out for her big debut!
Symptoms: Acid reflux still at times, occasional braxton hicks
Food cravings: Ice cream, milk, mexican food (ate it 5 days in a row this week!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! and Emotional!
Looking forward to: Meeting her! And seeing what she'll look like! This has been the topic of discussion recently. I think she'll have brandons eye shape, no hair and will be the cutest thing i've ever laid eyes on ;)

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