This week BB is the size of a large Plum! A whopping 2.5 inches! Had an apt this week to hear the heartbeat, what a beautiful sound, literally music to my ears. BTW the heartbeat was 160. Now according to the internet a reliable source, if the fetal heart rate is above 140 the babies tend to be girls, and below 140 are boys. Interesting. Breaking my streak, I bought my first Baby item. The color of this item will remain a mystery until February, as I will not remove tags nor take it out of the bag until then. But i'll give you a hint, it rhymes with s i n k. ;) Another first, was wearing Brandon's pants to work today becauseImhuge because I could not find my own! Thank god for the belly Band to help keep them up! Although... they were pretty comfortable I can see this being a reoccuring event ;)
Mom :) |
I <3 my family. Brandon, me, Jory, Jamison, Mom & Dad. |
How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3lbs
Maternity clothes? Leggings and long tee shirts, however these were my favorites pre-baby!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: All of a sudden sleeping like a rock! I could get used to this!
Best moment this week: Definetly hearing that perfectly fast heartbeat at my appointment :)
Cravings? Tater Tot casserole, ice cream, lemonade
Miss Anything? Mountain Dew, more frequently then I can have it :*(
Movement: Not yet, but can't wait!
Baby Goods? Just one small item of clothing...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: O yes.
Gender prediction: I'm still going to say girl.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy :)
Weekly Wisdom: Stop eating so much.<----- Ha.
Saddest Part of the Week: The removal of my belly button ring. We'll see if 8 years of having it can outlast 6 monthes before I can attempt to put it back in.
Dreams? I had a dream, while at my ultrasound, we saw the baby and all of a sudden the baby had two heads. I was freaking out that I had a deformed baby when the nurse said, "o no hold on" and she shook my belly and a second baby floated up from behind the first. I drove to Brandon's work in tears to tell him. He took one look at the ultrasound picture and PASSED. OUT. Flat on the floor.
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