Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like a nursery!

The nursery started off as a very ugly interesting blank canvas. The once blue walls are now potentially purple, and the blue and gold tiled floor is about to be covered in fluffy gray carpet (This project starts tomorrow!) Nursery furniture is stock piled in the upstairs living room still covered in plastic and packaged in boxes, anxiously awaiting their new home. Everything has been picked out and carefully planned for months now.....untillll yesterday when I realized the bedding I had decided on wasn't quite what I wanted. And when somthing isn't quite how I want it....I do it myself! I decided to keep the quilt (still in love with) but sew and construct the rest of the bedding myself. Now I'm not an expert seamstress by any means but I have an amazing sewing machiene passed to me from my mother and three months to somewhat master it perfect it. If anyone has any tips, by all means do not be shy! Here's an updated inventory on Baby A's nursery progress :)

        Mind you furniture has yet to be painted...maybe Sunday.. 
                  Can't WAIT to give everyone the final tour! :)


  1. I got the same crib and LOVE it! It's so simple and timeless :-) My bff also got the same bedding set from Pottery Barn Kids (she went with the whole set though) and it's just gorgeous. The quilt is my favorite piece too! Her walls are even a similar shade of purple :-) Her little lady will be here within the next month....she's due on April 6th but all things (like her blood pressure!) are pointing to an early arrival! Can't wait to see everything when you are finished!

    1. Thanks Jess! I had the same crib as a baby:) BTW I am in love with the headbands you've been constructing for Sadie! I'm itching to start some for baby A!

  2. Hey, it's me again! I received the Liebster Award and passed it on to you, hoping more people find your sweet little blog because of it! You can read all about it on my latest post :-)
    www. jasonmeandbabyt.blogspot.com
