Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So much sweetness

If there is one thing I would love to be, it would be a stay at home crafter. I lovelovelove making pretty things, painting old furniture and finding new uses for old treasures.
Here are a few diy projects I am recently obsessing over
(I'll post more later this week, because as I was crafting last night, I somehow forgot I was pregnant and ended up practically falling asleep at my craft table)
1.The cutesy fabric flower headband

What you'll need:
1. Fabric of your choice 1/2 yard is plenty. 2. Scissors 3. Glue Gun/Sticks 4. Thin Elastic (found at any craft store) 5. Embellishments if you so choose 6. Stiff Felt (not pictured)

1.Make a one inch cut so that your cutting hotdog style
2. Rip
3.Pay attention that your rip is keeping somewhat straight. You'll end up with a one inch wide, one yard long piece of fabric.
4.Fold your strip in two, placing a small dab of glue at the start to hold your fabric together.

5.Roll the first two inches tight to create the center of your flower.
6. Start twisting your fabric loosely and wrapping it around your tight beginning.
7. Every few turns place a small drop of glue to help keep your flower together.
8.Once your flower is as big as you desire (mine was a little over an inch across) place a small dab of glue to hold your end. The underside of your flower will have a horn stick out. Cut it off, so that your flower is flat.

9. The back of your flower once the horn is cut off.
10.Scatter hot glue over the entire back of the flower.
11.fold over a piece of the left over fabric, and cut off the excess.
12. Waalaa! You have made a super cute fabric flower :)

13. Once you've made a few flowers, gather them in the order you desire.
14.Flip them upside down and hot glue the backs together.
15. Place your premeasure elastic right in the middle of your hot glue, place more glue on top of your elastic.
16. Press a piece of felt firmly on the glue to sandwhich in your elastic. Once the glue is dry, simply trim off the excess felt and you have yourself a so so so cute new headband for your little gal :)

Place your headband around any round object to help shape your elastic

Modeled by my cute pup Wrigley

The o-so-cute Onesie
(easily can be transfered to a tshirt for little girls)

What you'll need:
1.Colored Onesie 2. Two cereal bowls 3. Glue Gun/sticks 4. White fabric paint 5. Round tool (I used the end of a foam paint brush) 5. Some of those cute fabric flowers your just made!

1. Place the cereal bowl square onto the kneck of your onesie.
2. Dip your tool into your fabric paint and lightly press onto your onesie (dont press too hard, and start in the middle of your onsie so your pearls are even)
3. Place dots about a half inch apart, creating as many strands of pearls as desired.
4. Hot glue a few flowers to one side of the kneck, stand back and admire the cuteness.

I cannot wait to dress baby A up in all this sweetness :)
Enjoy crafty ladies!


  1. Both of these are so cute! I wish we knew if we were having a boy or girl so i could follow your tutorials and make some for myself!

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