Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Liebster Award

Some pretty great Ladies have nominated itty bitty baby beck for the Liebster Award! For those of you new to the blogging world, it's an award that gets passed around to new up and coming blogs to increase readership :) I started this blog to document my pregnancy->Birth->Baby so that in the end I can have a book printed for her to look back at when it's time (someday a LONG time from now) to have her own baby, just like my mother did for me. I had no idea how much I'd enjoy blogging and definitely plan on continuing after Baby A gets here :) So here goes nothing!
A little bit about me
Jacee JoAshton Beck

My husband Brandon and I this past summer pre Baby A :)

11 random facts about me
1. I am an avid animal lover. Born a farm girl, moved to the city & took as many animals with me as possible without looking like an animal hoarder. Currently at the Beck household we have our two Springer Spaniels Wrigley and Lewis & bunnies Scout and Scarlet. (Losing this past year our other beloved pets Zeke Brandon's childhood Springer (19yrs old) Summer our Bunny and Mr. Betta).

Top : My fav picture of the dogs: Zeke at 19yrs, Lewis 6 weeks & Wrigley 6 months
Bottom: Summer, Scarlet, Scout

2. I am an avid crafter, but my favorite thing to do is paint furniture! Anything and everything, my favorite place to find these diamonds in the rough is craigslist!
A few of my Beautys :)

3. When I was little I did a few beauty pagents, and when asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I replied "a wife". Check.

4. I am owner and main only photographer at Jacee Beck Photography :) Weddings to Newborns I've shot it all and absolutely love what I do :) Check me out on facebook!

5. I married my high school sweetheart. We started dating when I was 16 and he was 18 (right before he went off to college) Got engaged when I was 18, told our parents when I was 19 (they were shocked to say the least, my mothers exact words were "I'm not ready to be a mother-in-law yet!") haha miss her so. We got married August 14th 2010, I was 21 and Brandon was 24, almost three years later we will be welcoming our first baby girl into our family & could not be more excited!
One of the happiest days of my life.

6. One of my scariest experiences ever was cliff jumping in Jamaica on our honeymoon. Glad I did it. But NEVER AGAIN.

7. I'm semi fluent in French. And when I say semi fluent I mean, I can order a glass of wine. Three years of College French and at least I'll know how to properly get shnockered if I ever make it to France. Je voudrais une deux verres de vin blanc!!

8. I do NOT like dark pop. If I cannot see through it, I don't want it.

9.  The Beck's are Notre Dame fans. Brandon went to Holy Cross and I to Saint Mary's (brother/sister schools of the golden dome) We travel near and far to watch our Irish take the field!
Go Irish Go!

 10. I love being outside. Planting flowers, playing sports, exploring..the list could go on for days, there is nothing better than fresh crisp air and the cruch of dirt under your feet (usually barefeet) ;)

11. The person who has had the largest most profound impact on my life was my mother. She molded and shaped me into the person I am today, enstilling in me the love and compassion for all living things, the desire to celebrate all of lifes little achievements & the bitterweet reminder of just how precious life is.  She gave me and my two siblings, Jory & Jamison the best childhood we could have asked for, and with my dad set an amazing example for us as to how a marriage should work. She was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in february of 2010 and passed away that November. She was 45. I miss her every second of every day and am constantly reminded of how amazing she would have been as a grandmother. Adelie will grow up with stories and pictures of her GiGi Barbie (because there is no way my mom would have let anyone call her grandma ;) & all I can hope for is that I can be a fraction of a mother to Adelie that my mother was to me.
My favorite picture of my mom & I before Senior Prom in 07

I also wouldn't be where I am today without the love from my best friends who have been connected to my hip since grade 3 :)

Now onto the 11 questions asked by the lovely ladies of

1. What have I changed since realizing I'm about to become a momma?
I sleep more often, I eat way more often and my crafting has been kicked up 20x. I mean think of all the possible deor....

2.  Describe your fashion style.
I am a magpie. Anything bright/shiny/sparkly I am attracted to it. My closet is literally a rainbow explosion, and the brighter the better :)

3. What is your favorite Holiday?
It's a tie between Thanksgiving & Christmas, for two obvious reasons. FOOD & FAMILY

4.What do you do to relax?
I simply curl up onto my couch with my three boys and watch Law and Order SVU

5.If you could relive a day in your life again, which would it be and why?
That would be the day I found out I was pregnant. I had tons of amazing ideas on how I had planned on telling Brandon. Instead I just called him and blurted it out. I'd definitely like to redo that important moment in our lives haha

6.What do you never leave the house without?
My iphone. I hate that I'm so dependent on it but will be the first to admit I am. I had a shattered screen for 4 months becuase I couldn't bear the thought of leaving it at a store for 2 hours while they fixed it. Sad. I know.

7.What's your favorite season and why?
It's a toss up between Fall and Summer. I love warm weather, shorts and tall ice cream cones but you can't beat a crackling fire, oversized sweatshirts and ugg boots

8. If you could go anywhere, where would it be and who would you take with you?
On my bucket list is to travel to Washingtons coast and whale watch. I think that would be one of the most surreal experiences, as for my accomplice? That would be my Aunt JoLynn, my mom's youngest sister and one of my best friends. We have the same knack for random adventure.

9.What has suprised you about motherhood?
Since I'm not quite there yet.. the thing that has suprised me the most so far, is how much of my mother comes out in me in preparing for this baby. The extra shopping, obsessive organizing & serious documenting just to name a few.

10. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I've always been an avid writer and I love that friends and family can keep up with my busy life even though they may be states away :)

11. What is one goal you are currently trying to achieve?
Finishing the nursery before my first baby shower on April 20th :) Right on track with that goal!

 The blog I would like to nominate
will be added very shortly as it
has yet to hit the www but
I promise it will be worth
the wait :)

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