Thursday, September 5, 2013

A day in the life

My routine has changed drastically since becoming a stayathomemomtographer craft enthusiast.  It has taken us two whole months to figure out just how this whole mommy-baby-daddy-doggy-bunny thing works.  Granted we're still not 100% on the same schedule everysinglenight because, let's be real, we are a very active family.
go go go
That seems to be all we do, and we are so incredibly thanktheluckystars grateful that Adelie is such a happy-go-lucky sweetheart.  She seems to have no problem eating on the go and napping in her stroller/carseat.  So for sake of remembrance, here is what our day looks like with a two month old.

7am we wake up with daddy

As soon as he kisses us goodbye, the dogs invade the bed.

After a diaper change, morning bottle and coffee, Adelie goes down for a morning nap around 8:30am.
By 9:30 I've quickly showered and make it back to the bedroom just in time for Babes to wake up. Yes. 
She sleeps in her swing. Beside our bed.
After a quick diaper change if needed, I turn a movie on for background noise prop Ad's up and start in on my editing for the day.

Clearly Hocus Pocus is the best choice until November December.
Somewhere in the mix of things we get dressed for the day.
Well, she does. I usually go to leggings and an oversized shirt.

Around 11am I get distracted I move onto the next project for the day. Usually cleaning.
I move the swing downstairs and Adelie listens to the birds chirping while I tidy up.
AKA clean the bottles because I tend to wait until they're all dirty before getting my scrub on.
Adelie does NOT appreciate this.
With bottles finally clean, Ad's get's lunch.
Currently I am alternating nursing and formula every other feeding.
With a happy plump baby, I quickly fix myself a quick lunch, and eat it quickly.  Did I mention I do this all quick? 
I eat quick, because over the next few hours I am able to get the most done.
Adelie is full, rested and VERY happy :)
We usually take this opportunity to either grocery shop or head to our second home

From around 1-3pm we craft.
We paint furniture, assemble headbands and try out new pretties.
Adelie sit's right beside me in her bouncer and we have girl talk nonstop.

And BTW bubbles is her new favorite trick.
Around 3:30 she's ready to eat again.
Followed by a diaper change.

Every other day we alternate who gets to go outside for a few hours. Today was the buns turn

From 4 until Brandon gets home around 5:45pm we play.  Adelie gets my undivided attention and we play, I make a funny face and talk in my animal voice while she laughs hysterically.
 As soon as Brandon walks through the door there is a quick hand off and I start dinner.
Two bowels of kibble, a handful of pellets a frozen pizza and 6oz in a bottle later,
The Beck household is Happy.

Adelie gets a bath every 2-3 days usually at night before bed
Once lathered head to toe and smelling o-so-good
(There really is nothing like the smell of a baby fresh out of the bath)
We get changed into our pjs
From after dinner until we go to bed, the whole family snuggles on the couch and watches one of the three:
1.Big Brother
2.Espn (not by choice)
3. Law and Order SVU
It's a good thing we have a large couch, because we take up 
every square inch of it.

After a quick bedtime story with the Princess
And a last minute feeding,

Come 10:30 
the whole family heads to the bedroom.
The Mr. & Mrs.
Two Springers
One Swing
and one sweet little babe.

From 11pm-7am
The whole family snoozes to the
sound of lullabies blaring from Adelie's swing.
And that is the the most completing and perfect sound to fall asleep to.
I love my little family.


  1. I love this. Its pretty close to my families routine. I have a husband, a 3 month old son Kaiden, and a weiney dog :-) love reading your blog!!

    1. Thanks for following along and welcome!! :) I still can't believe how much your schedule changes when you have a kid!!

  2. Hi Jacee! I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been enjoying following you ever since. I also had a baby girl in June. I was actually due on the 22nd but she came a little early on June 4th so our girls are just about the same age and at the same stage! Life is sooooo much fun! Krista

    1. Hello Krista! Thanks for joining us! :) I've been told that every stage is your favorite! ;) I LOVE how vocal she's getting!
