Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Crib.

Ever since we brought her home we've thought of it more as a decorative object in her room.  It's pretty. Yes. But it's in the other room. Not our room. 
A whole 20 ft away from our bedroom door.
On paper computer screen it sounds ridiculous.  Why on earth would a bed, that is made for her, and is only 20ft away from our door go unused and vacant? I think you won't truly understand, until you're a mother. Not father. A Mother. 
Brandon has been urging me to make the move for months.  
Yesterday I made a list of all the pros and cons of her moving to her bed
Her swing is getting to cramped to sleep in.
I don't want her sleeping in our room forever.
Her room is too cute not to be used.
She needs to be able to fall asleep not in her swing.
I won't be able to pull her into bed to cuddle.
If she cries I actually have to walk to her room.
I don't get to stare at her periodically throughout the night.

That's when I realized, the only reason I had been putting off her sleeping in her own bed was because I wasn't ready. So it was decided that I would attempt to put her in her own bed last night.
The last time I tried, was the first week home and I slept beside the crib like a crazy person an over protective mother. I prayed to god this attempt would go much better then the last one. My back was sore for days after. So after we finished BB last night I did something else I don't typically do, I swaddled her.
And we went to bed.
The verdict?
She woke up twice crying, I gave her her binky and she went right back to sleep.
I stared at the monitor for most the night.

I finally fell asleep around 4:30am somewhere around there the monitor died.
I woke up around 6:30 in full panic mode.
When I got to her room she was crying.
But it wasn't a i'vebeencryingforhours cry
it was a, I've just woke up someone hold me cry.
She immediately started laughing as soon as I peered over the crib.

And as a treat for being such a big girl, Brandon let me bring baby back into our bed for morning snuggles. 
Which quickly turned into

I have come to the conclusion, that the transition from swing to crib is indeed harder on mom than it is on baby.
We'll try again tonight, probably after a few glasses of wine and remembering to plug in the monitor.

1 comment :

  1. Wow you went cold turkey! My Molly took a nap in her crib today...45 minutes. Definitely a good start in my opinion! Btw we have the same monitor...isn't it annoying how the screen goes black (sleep mode?) after a little while. I keep having to press the video button to get the picture back up!
